Wednesday 7 April 2021

Bringing in the Debt Collectors

Amazingly - 6 months after my last contact with Mercedes Finance (aka Mercedes-Benz Finance), they finally called again, tried to get payment, and have referred the matter to a debt collection agency. Cool - this was what I wanted! Well, I guess I'd prefer the whole thing to die quietly, but I also fancied a bit of a battle. I also wanted to experience a debt collection agency and these harsh persistent calls that we hear about in cases on the radio, etc.
So, this letter came though today (Saturday 7th April 2012), even though the amount is clearly "in dispute". It's from Hilary Brookes from DLC. So, Hilary, this is your 15 minutes, maybe longer, of fame.

I'm just gonna write back to say that the bill is 'in dispute', not that I expect that to make any difference.

If anyone has any suggestions, please email me at baron(dot)turner(at)gmail(dot)com. And thanks for all the support so far, including encouragement to continue the fight.

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